Thursday, 19 July 2012

Hello, I’m back from my gap year, did you miss me? What’s been going on? My dirty washing? Yes, here it is. Thanks. Can you lend me some money please?

I closed the public diary last year, having got a bit paranoid about nursing rules, confidentiality, and how things might be interpreted. I’ve missed it though as I’m rubbish at keeping a diary I don’t show people and now all the good stuff is missing. Neither you nor I will know what happened. How can I be expected to remember things I haven’t written down?

So I’m coming back to Dee’s diary, but I’m making a few changes. I’m going to alter some of the things I write about so that the people and organisations in them are less identifiable. It seems a shame, an untruthful diary starts to become a work of bad fiction after all, and I have no concerns about anything I’ve written in the past. However, Nursing is a sensitive trade, so you and I are going to have to compromise a bit.

Talking of Nursing, I’m going to be writing more about mental health and a bit less about family stuff. That’s mostly because I’m coming up to the end of the second year of my training, and all kinds of things are happening. I want to be able to think about it (‘reflect’ is the word used in nursing, mawkish isn’t it?). Don’t imagine that I’ll be able to resist showing off a luscious bit of stitching though, or bragging about seeing Richard Herring’s latest show.

Hope the changes don’t put you off. I know you really want to read all the juicy personal stuff. A friend reminded me that I somewhere in this diary I wrote about my first sexual experience. I hope reading about it was a memorable for her as writing about it was for me.

I don’t remember penning it at all.


Unknown said...

welcome back! Write more often xxxxx

Susan Lenz said...

Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I always remember you from the information you provided for the "long S"! Funny what we remember! Hope the nursing studies are over and that you are now working in the field!