Sunday, 20 March 2011

Comfort Stuff

I have a chest infection and my 100 year old Nan is unaccountably unable to come up and offer comforts as she used to do when I was poorly* so I've had to get on and entertain myself from my sofa. Here are some things I like:

Woobies I've been playing this childish game. Can't get past level 16. Pathetic but true.

Tim Minchin is all kinds of amazing. I have a soft spot for this particular one but it's a bit UK specific, so you may prefer Inflatable You.

Richard Herring This is the website of my absolute favorite comedian who I didn't go see in Leamington yesterday because I was coughing. It's some compensation that I've spent the week with his DVDs.

Craftivism There's a new project coming up. I haven't had the energy to get excited about it yet. Soon though.

*hot-waterbottle wrapped in teatowel, Lucozade, soft boild egg, Twinkle comic, footsteps on the stairs. Wish you were here, Nan. Love you x

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